
Shanghai Rightint Digital Company Dragon Boat Festival Team Party

2021-09-10 | Company News

The journey of life is to find a long-lost touch with a group of familiar people in a strange place.




In June 2021, with everyone immersed in the joy of family reunion celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, our company organized everyone to go to the Anji scenic spot in Zhejiang, China for a three-day party. In the early morning of June 21, everyone was ready to go downstairs in the company, and every employee had a happy smile on their faces. After driving for 2 hours, we finally reached the famous scenic spot of Anji—Yunshang Grassland Resort in Anji, Zhejiang. The day was very lively. We played very exciting activities together—bungee jumping, rowing boats, riding motorcycles, and giving us Very different experience. After tired of playing, everyone made a delicious BBQ together. Every team gathering can pull in the relationship between our colleagues, and we will turn this passion into motivation to better serve our customers.




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